In the present, a requirement for engaging with your business partners is to have EDI implemented. If you desire to optimize your supply chain, it’s important to know that having EDI capabilities is an absolute necessity – there is no other method to achieve this optimization. This applies whether your company works with five vendors or hundreds of vendors – with EDI, you can streamline all your activities.
What are we discussing when we’re talking about EDI?
EDI essentially allows you to conduct electronic document exchange and manage the data contained within them. Currently, there are only two possible options for implementing EDI: you can either purchase your own software and handle everything on your own or outsource the entire process to a team of specialists.
Compared to manual data processing, which typically requires a lot of time and is prone to errors, EDI ensures that everything is automated and operates smoothly without errors. Additionally, it provides good visibility across the supply chain.
An added benefit is that the effects are not only felt within your company but also within the companies of your business partners – a consequence that can be appreciated by anyone in the game.
What are the implementation options?
When it comes to choosing a method for implementation, you will need to consider all the factors that make a real difference when it all comes down to it. For example, if you decide to purchase and maintain your own EDI software, you must prepare for all the resources it requires, as well as the financial obstacles that may arise along the way. First, you will need to buy the software and install it. After that, you’ll need to configure your email box so it can receive EDI transactions. The next step involves acquiring the appropriate EDI hardware and meeting your partners’ compliance requirements.
And your work doesn’t end here. At this stage of the process, you’ll need to handle mapping for each partner, and this cannot be done without purchasing and configuring another type of software – data mapping and translation software. Of course, this software won’t maintain and upgrade itself – you’ll need an EDI team or an existing IT team.
All of these requirements are compounded by the need to store and protect data from various unpleasant digital situations, such as power outages, interruptions in activity, cyberattacks, etc.
If all these steps seem like an overwhelming effort, it is advisable to outsource these processes. Furthermore, in the long run, it will be more cost-effective and keep you away from complications.
What are the benefits of outsourcing?
When you outsource EDI services, you will begin to see the benefits both in the short term and the long term.
It all starts with the installation process. If you leave it to us, we will ensure that you have the right software and hardware, and we can set up the system in as little as one day.
We can also offer you a cloud solution that is so accessible that you’ll only need a decent internet connection. You won’t have to worry about the migration process and compliance – we will take care of all of that. The VAN (Value Added Network) we provide has good uptime and is very secure.
Outsourcing your EDI needs will bring you significant financial benefits immediately because you won’t need additional personnel, as well as in the long term through streamlining your business activities.
If you choose us as your EDI service provider, you will quickly change the future outlook of your company, allowing you to automate documents in a short time, thereby improving your relationships with partners and increasing your company’s profits.
If you are ready to take this next step for your business, don’t hesitate to contact us.